PE Intent
At Brownsover Community School, PE has a high profile which encourages EVERY child to create a positive relationship with physical activity that continues into their later lives. Our curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop physical literacy and the key abilities needed to become successful within PE and Sport and across the curriculum. We also aim to provide opportunities for children to experience a range of sports outside of school hours through high-quality extra-curricular clubs.
PE Implementation
Real PE:
At Brownsover Community School our PE lessons follow the Real PE approach. This approach develops the children’s Fundamental Movement Skills (Agility, Balance and Co-ordination) through fun, engaging lessons. Our PE lessons also promote positive learning goals/behaviours in 6 key areas or multi-abilities which we refer to as COGS. These include:
Health and Fitness
Learning experiences are focussed on a specific COG that lasts for a half-term. This is coupled with a clear focus upon fundamental skills, with sessions allowing a progression of skills to be practiced before applying them in adapted traditional and non-traditional games.
A PE lesson is highly active and consists of:
The focussed Learning Goal/ Behaviour (COG) is shared and explained at the beginning of each lesson by the teacher and is consistently referred back to throughout the lesson. The children receive a beanbag in a hoop as a reward when meeting any of the Learning Goals. The children also receive a beanbag in the hoop when they perform a skill using the Learning Points.
When practicing or revisiting a skill, the children work their way through the Tricky, Trickier and Trickiest challenges with the opportunity to independently choose their own level of challenge.
Physical sessions are designed to promote ambitious learning with personalised outcomes. Success and failure is reviewed collaboratively and celebrated throughout the lesson and during the review at the end of each lesson. Learners are encouraged to articulate their learning by self-assessing and giving feedback to their peers against Learning Goals and Learning Points for that lesson.
Real PE lessons in KS1 are taught by the class teacher during weekly 1 hour PE lessons.
Real PE, Gym and Dance lessons in EYFS are taught by the class teacher during weekly PE lessons.
Real Gym:
Real Gym lessons are taught by an external coach and the lessons follow a similar structure to that of Real PE. The children can work on any of the COGs during Real Gym lessons and focus on 4 or 5 key areas of gymnastics including: Shape, Travel, Flight, Rotation and, Balance. The lesson structure is the same as a Real PE lesson with a warm-up, skill, skill application and review. Children still earn a beanbag in the hoop as a reward for demonstrating the Learning Goals and Learning Points for that lesson.
In Real Gym the children still consolidate and perform the same skill for 3 weeks before moving onto the next one but the first lesson starts on the floor, the next lesson uses low apparatus and the third lesson uses larger apparatus. The children continue to practice Tricky, Trickier and Trickiest challenges.
Real Dance:
Real Dance lessons are taught by an external coach and the lessons follow a similar structure to that of Real PE and Gym. The children can work on any of the COGs during Real Dance lessons and focus on 5 key areas of Dance including: Shapes Solo, Partnering Shapes, Artistry Musicality, Circles Solo, Partnering Circles and Artistry (Making and Abstraction). The lesson structure is the same as a Real PE lesson with a warm-up, skill, skill application and review. Children still earn a beanbag in the hoop as a reward for demonstrating the Learning Goals and Learning Points for that lesson.
In a Real Dance lesson the children will have time to explore the Tricky, Trickier and Trickiest skills before applying them to create a dance routine. This can be done individually or with a partner. The children have the chance to be creative and link movements together from the skills they have been taught.
Real PE Foundations:
Real PE Foundations is taught to our Nursery children by their class teacher during 30 minute weekly lessons. The lessons are taught around a theme eg – Pirates for 1 leg balance and Clown for ball skills so the children are being taught the same Fundamental Movement Skills as Reception and KS1 but through different elements such as a story, adventure, games or song. This scheme makes explicit cross-curricular links to develop the whole child.
Real PE at Home:
We promote healthy, active lifestyles and encourage children to be active at home as well as school through Real PE at Home. Real PE at Home consolidates, reinforces and accelerates learning, while forging a stronger link between school and home. All children receive their own login which gives them access to high-quality, engaging activities that they can share with their family. In KS1 PE homework is set every half-term and is linked to the skills they have or will be learning.
30 active minutes:
At Brownsover we achieve at least 30 active minutes a day by participating in active brain breaks between lessons and active learning videos during Maths and English such as Supermovers. All children engage in 15 minutes of physical activity at the beginning of each day through initiatives such as: walk a mile, fitness run, just dance, kidz bop and cosmic yoga. In EYFS children receive daily physical intervention where they consolidate their fundamental movement skills through active play.
In KS1 children have a 2-week block of swimming lessons (10 hours) taught by external swimming teachers at our local sports centre. All children are taught water safety and are then assessed and put into groups based on their capabilities. They are then taught new swimming techniques in groups of 10 or less.
Active Travel:
We are in partnership with Warwickshire Road Safety Team to deliver the Safe and Active Travel Schools Programme. We encourage families to travel actively to school where possible. Our School Council have the responsibility of planning, organising and delivering activities to help promote active travel across the school. Children are taught about the importance of road safety through class assemblies and visits from the Warwickshire Road Safety Team.
As a School Sport Partnership (SSP) subscribed school, we have the opportunity to compete locally against other Infant and Primary Schools. Our subscriptions gives us access to KS1 Change4Life festival, KS1 Football Festival, Boccia and New age Kurling competitions and Infant agility competitions.
Extra-curricular opportunities:
Children have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities delivered by teachers and external coaches. These include: Football, Multi-skills, Martial Arts, Dance, Gymnastics and Cheerleading.
PE Impact
We know active, healthy children achieve more and therefore Real PE has supported our whole school ethos of the child being at the centre of everything we do. We achieve this by developing the whole child and ensuring every pupil feels included, challenged and supported during every PE lesson. Our PE curriculum philosophy and approach helps ALL children develop the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, sport and life.
The programme of training and materials enables all teachers and coaches to deliver exciting and engaging lessons for all children. It was essential for us that we could demonstrate and evidence clear impact of learning and positive behaviours and make the very best sustainable use of our sports premium spend.
Pupils develop fundamental movement skills, becoming increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and co-ordination, individually and with others. Children are excited and enthused by PE and have become more articulate at expressing what it is they have learnt in their PE lessons. Children confidently join in engaging and active lessons which develop and challenge their skills and help to give an in-depth understanding of physical well-being.
Consistent praise of positive behaviours means pupils have highly positive experiences in the subject and consequently want and expect to do well. This is echoed through the use of Jasmine as an award for the class who receives the most PE values at the end of each week.
Assessment wheels are used to assess the progress of children’s fundamental movement skills in PE as well as each cog/learning behaviour. Assessment data shows that most children make good progress throughout their real PE journey and reach the expected standard by the end of KS1.