Our super learners wear their school uniform with pride. All children from Nursery through to Year 2 wear:
White polo shirt, shirt or blouse
Navy blue or emerald green logo jumper or cardigan
Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
White, grey or navy blue socks or tights
Black school shoes (not boots)
In warmer weather children may wear:
Blue checked summer dresses
Grey shorts
Blue or white hat
PE Clothes (For Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 only)
White logo t-shirt, navy blue shorts, gym bag
Black slip on pumps or white soled trainers
Year 2 children have swimming lessons, so will need a swimsuit and towel, both named please, in a water proof bag. No jewellery is permitted.
It is optional, not compulsory, for children attending our Nursery to wear school uniform. Generic items can be bought from a variety of shops including supermarkets.
Excellent quality second hand uniform is also available to purchase from the school office at 50p per item.
Please remember to mark ALL clothing with the child's name
see naming solutions further down this page
Our uniform supplier is
Webb Ellis
5 & 6 St. Matthews Street
CV21 3BY
Naming Uniform
It is really important that all school uniform and personal items are named for school (this includes bottles, lunchboxes, shoes etc).
You can source this yourselves, however we do have a number of suppliers who provide this service and offer commission to the school, if you would like to support us.