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Induction Information

Induction at Brownsover School


New Reception Intake September


Warwickshire County Council sends offers out to parents mid April.  Once the offer process has settled down, we write to parents and send out our induction information out in May.  Included with the letter will be a number of forms to complete and we request a photograph of your child is emailed to for their record.  This letter will include information about our Welcome Meeting, County Induction Day and any setting visits planned.


2024 Specific Information


Induction Letters - Due mid May

Reply Deadline - By 23 May

Welcome Meeting - 19 June at 6.00pm (Adults only where possible please)

Setting Visits - TBC

County Induction Day - 10 July 


In Year Transfers


If your child is offered a place here at Brownsover Community School by Warwickshire County Council please contact the school office via  You will then be sent new starter paperwork to complete (Pupil Contact/Information Form, Pupil Collection Form, Parental Consent Form) and we will request a photograph of your child be emailed to us.  Once the paperwork is returned and we have everything in place to meet your child's needs we can agree a start date and confirm the class your child will be moving into.



Please see below our current year Induction Booklets.


Induction Booklet - KS1 2023/2024

Induction Booklet - Reception 2023/2024
