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Welcome to our Governors’ section.

The Governing Body at Brownsover Community School works very hard to support the Headteacher and the staff on School Improvement and future development.


The Governing Body make decisions that they believe are in the best interests of the children and young people within our school community. Fulfilling the role of School Governor is a serious undertaking and enormously rewarding. It is responsible for the conduct of our School and promotes high standards of educational achievement.


It’s role is to provide a strategic view of the school, working with the Headteacher on establishing a strong vision for the future and identifying clear School Improvement priorities. Also, it monitors and evaluates the progress of the school by reviewing the effectiveness of school policy and the impact of our School Improvement strategy.


How our Governing Body Works:

The Governing Board works collectively as a ‘whole team’, meeting 6 times per year, once in each term, without any separate committees.  An annual planner and agenda for each meeting includes all the tasks which the Governing Board is required to consider. In addition to this, the Governing board may ‘commission’ assignments or activities arising from the business of the meeting, which will be recorded in the minutes. Any commissioned working groups will report any findings, actions or recommended decision to the Board at its next meeting. These reports will in turn inform collective strategic decision making by the Board. 


The Governing Board recognises the delegated monitoring individuals/pairs are replacing committees in terms of challenge, responsibility and accountability when undertaking their monitoring and reporting back to the Board.  The Board recognises that all decisions are made by the full Governing Board and no financial delegated authority is given to monitoring pairs or individuals.  Meetings of the Board and delegated individuals/pairs will be considerate of the well-being of staff and Head teacher  by referring to the DfE teacher workload reduction toolkit.  


In each case where a function has been delegated there is a statutory duty for the delegated governor/s to report, by written monitoring reports, any findings, actions or recommended decisions to the Board in time for its next meeting to enable informed collective strategic decision making.   


The Board meets at least 6 times a year, considers monitoring reports and recommendations, makes decisions and conducts routine business.


Details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor can be found by clicking the ‘Our School Governors’ link above.


If you wish to contact our Chair of Governors, Rachel Street, you can do so via the school office.

