Brownsover Community School
Our School Priorities this year
We thought that it would be good to share our key school priorities with parents so that we can work together. We begin by doing a school evaluation form where we look at all the strengths in the school and the areas that we would like to improve. We then write a Learning Improvement Plan.
We have several areas that would like to make even better that are in our Learning Improvement Plan, but our key ones for this year are:
Standards Focus: 85% of pupils will meet the national standard in English & maths and/or make good progress.
We want all of our children, regardless of other factors, to make at least good progress. Across the country there is a gap between certain groups of children, such as those on free school meals and those not on free school meals. We do not want this to be the case in our school and don’t see why it should be like this, so are going to look closely at what support is needed for all the different groups of children in our school to ensure that they fulfil their potential.
Leader Focus: To continue to develop leaders at all levels to ensure a consistent approach in improving outcomes for all pupils.
For staff, pupils and governors to continue to work closely together to ensure that everyone is able to achieve their maximum potential. Staff access a wide range of high quality on-going professional development, through research, training, networking and CPD in order to continue to develop a forward looking and outstanding learning and teaching provision across the whole school, so that every learner develops a lifelong love of learning.
Curriculum Focus: Further develop book-centric curriculum to enhance reading status throughout school.
Reading is the key to learning, and as such it forms the very heart of all we do. Using a wide range of carefully selected books, we are continuing to develop an exciting range of reading, writing and cross-curricular opportunities to further enhance the children's learning experiences and love of reading.
Pupil Focus: Ensure pupil's positive learning behaviours enable their pro-activity in safety, planning and improving their own learning.
Further development of our mental health action plan and pupil support worker to ensure that all of our learners and families are supported to be able to take full advantage of all learning opportunities in school and across the wider curriculum.
The importance of the children’s voice has always been recognised at our school with an active School Council, peer play leaders and the opportunity to take on monitor roles. We would like to further enhance their roles this year such as developing pupil focus groups to address healthy lifestyles, e-safety and community and charity work.
Long term focus: Primary Development
We are developing plans to support us as we transition to an all-through primary school. In addition to our building works, we are reviewing all aspects of school life to ensure that they are ready and in place for when our first class of children move into key stage 2.
If you would like to ask any questions about the learning improvement plan, please don’t hesitate to ask.
We look forward to working together as we make our wonderful school even better.