Our Positive Behaviour Policy
At Brownsover Community School we expect children to be polite, co-operative and considerate of others. Staff are committed to creating a school environment where these qualities are positively encouraged. e.g. walking round school, opening doors for each other and saying please and thank you.
School and classroom rules are seen as being central to our policy by providing a framework within which the children can operate. Safety aspects are emphasized, along with the need to share and co-operate if everyone is to work and play effectively on the school premises.
All members of the school have the following rights:
- To be treated with fairness, courtesy and politeness.
- To be listened to and taken seriously.
- To operate within a calm atmosphere.
- To come to school free from fear of bullying.
We support positive behaviour and a positive environment through:
- A consistent approach by the whole school community.
- Monitoring pupil attendance and taking swift action where necessary.
- Developing the voice of the child, for example, through our school council.
- Appreciating and following our school values.
- Encouraging children to see themselves as part of our whole school community and recognizing their responsibility within this.
- Developing the skills of co-operation and discussion.
- Having a consistent and thoughtful marking policy. (See policy C3)
- Encouraging everyone to take pride in our school environment.
- Having a positive and consistent approach to playtimes and lunchtimes.
- Creating a stimulating classroom environment.
- Providing strong clear and positive learning experiences fairly and consistently.
- Offering a broad and balanced curriculum that is well planned, prepared and stimulating.
At Brownsover we believe that it is vital that positive behaviour is rewarded, both in the classroom and around the school with a reward system that is transparent to the pupils and applied consistently and fairly throughout the school.
We support children to do this by:
- Work out class rules with the children. Outline rewards and sanctions.
- Verbal praise and/or stickers whenever children respond appropriately or display desired behaviour.
- Value tokens are given out in each class to recognise our school values: respect, politeness, independence, perseverance, honesty & kindness eg. for holding the door open, being particularly well behaved in the library or the hall, or generally about the school. The class with the most tokens will be awarded the honour of looking after Brownsover Bear for a week. Up to 60 can be awarded (10 for each value). (This does not include the Nursery and Play & Learn, who are introduced to the values and awarded Brownsover Bear stickers when they are seen to be applying the values). Working across the school is a key element of positive reinforcement. Regardless of the year group or class, all staff are responsible for rewarding positive behaviours and should take every opportunity to praise pupils for demonstrating our school values.
- Certificates for achievements at the Super Learner Awards Assembly.
- Teachers use a ‘Good to Be Green’ system, which focuses on positive behaviour identification. Children get stickers on their proud card to reward behaviour in line with our school values, which build up to earn a reward from the treasure box or golden time. Any incidents or episodes of unacceptable behaviour are dealt with as soon as possible, so that the child is able to move on with a fresh start.
We recognise that for some individuals, and for those children with special educational needs, this may be difficult, and so where needed individual and personalised behaviour targets will be set.