Dear Parents / Carers,
I am very sorry but I am writing to inform you that school will be unable to open as usual tomorrow due to Covid related staff shortages. As I mentioned in my last email, the safety and wellbeing of children is our top priority. In order for school to open, I need to ensure there are enough staff in each class as well as enough safeguarding leads, first aiders and cleaners. Despite all of my efforts throughout the day and after discussions with the Chair of Governors and Local Authority, I have been unable to address this and so have no other option but to close to some pupils.
Although school will not be open for all children, we will still be open for those children whose parents are key workers and those who are considered vulnerable. You were sent an email earlier this afternoon to notify us if all adults within your household are key workers; if you do meet this criteria then please send your child/children to school as usual. Parents of vulnerable children will be contacted this afternoon by a member of staff.
This afternoon, we will be sending an email to the parents of vulnerable children and to those who have responded as a key worker to give them further information about how the school day and what they need to bring with them. Bridges will be open from 8am in the morning and until 5:30pm in the evening for those children who are attending because their parents are key workers or are classed as vulnerable .
Those children who do not fall into the 'key worker' or 'vulnerable' groups will be taught remotely. Teachers will upload work to the school website everyday so children can continue their learning at home. I understand how difficult it is to support children with this, especially if you are working from home yourself but please help them wherever you can. Please email completed work to their class teacher so that they can see how the children are progressing and respond accordingly.
This is not an email any head wants to send to parents and I do apologise for this email arriving later in the day. This is due to the fact that I have been trying to overcome the staffing issues in the hope that we could open as normal.
I know how incredibly difficult this situation will be for some families and I want to give you as much information as possible so that you can make the necessary arrangements. School will be closed for the rest of this week and I will be reviewing the situation and making contact with you on Thursday so you know in advance if we are going to be able to open safely next week.
For those of you who will be sending your children into school tomorrow, I would like to reassure you that we have further enhanced our measures to address the risk Covid poses to children and staff. The school had a deep clean over the school holidays and has had another today after staff have been in. As well as this, there are further measures in place around cleaning throughout the day, the wearing of masks, handwashing and ventilation which have also been further developed. If your child wishes to wear a mask in the classroom, they are welcome to.
Thank you for your ongoing support at this incredibly difficult time.
Kind regards,
Mrs J Wells