All homework is handed out and returned via Google Classroom.
Please speak to the teacher if you are having trouble accessing it.
How to use Google Classroom
To be able to access Google Classroom, you will need to accept the invite which has been sent to your child’s school email account.
How to get and hand in work (computers and laptops)
How to hand in work (mobile devices – Android or iOS)
Watch a video demonstration here:
A guide to safe use of Google Classroom is here:
In the event of a school or class bubble closure there are lots of things that you can do to continue your children’s learning at home. We will post activity suggestions in this section of our class page.
Children of this age learn best through practical, play based activities. If a child is engaged and focused in their play they are probably learning new things without them, or us adults even realising it!
You can also extend your child's learning by playing alongside them or getting them to help in daily activities and drawing their attention to details or posing problems for them to solve (You probably already do this without even noticing!)
For example:
-When playing with blocks-- "Oh look, my tower is shorter than yours, maybe if I put 2 more on they will be the same?"
-When playing in the bath-- "You're filling it up, look it's half full, oh no, it's overflowed, tip it out and now it's empty"
-When setting the table-- "How many forks do we need, can you count them out, make sure we have enough"
Talking to your child really is the best way to improve their vocabulary and therefore their learning and understanding of the world around them.
However, we also appreciate that you might want some ideas for 'Busy Learning' the children could do at home so below are some ideas of things that are similar to what we do all the time in nursery, screenshots of the parent guide to the Early Years curriculum (the full document can be found by Googling What to Expect When), some videos that we have enjoyed and a list of '100 Things to do Indoors'. We will be updating this page regularly with even more ideas so keep checking back in.
Useful Links
Secret Messages
The children in the reception bubbles have loved leaving secret messages for each other to find, inspired by Gregg from ‘Can I Go and Play Now?’, watch the first episode on his website below and find subsequent episodes on YouTube.
Helicopter Stories
We use this approach in school, the children tell us a story which we scribe and then we act it out as a class. This has had huge benefits for the children, it has sparked an interest in writing and mark-making, we have seen their confidence increase, their vocabularies expand and their story-telling skills have really come on too. I could talk for ages about how this approach has supported your child's learning! Now you can try this approach at home, for a guide on how to do this see-
The charity is also putting together a page of children's 'stories' about living through the coronavirus crisis and you can submit your child's story here- An infinitely zooming image with lots of different things to notice and talk about. Different versions can be accessed by tapping or clicking on the image and a menu will appear at the side. This website works even better on a computer as it can be paused by pressing the spacebar. Quirky and open-ended art ideas, some won't be accessible for younger children but many could be used or adapted. I particularly like the idea of turning everyday objects into faces using a pair of eyes that have been drawn and cut out (stick on google eyes would work well for this too!) This website is currently free to sign up to as it is in Beta mode. There aren't any Nursery specific games but many of the games for reception, will be appropriate for younger children as well. Lots of activities and advice for supporting different areas of children's development at home. There is also a free e-book library here- Have a look at some of the absolutely stunning nature pictures by artist Vicki Rawlins. Can you have a go at making one of your own? There are some great games on here for practising phonics skills, they are currently offering free access to all of the resources. Most nursery children will benefit from accessing the Phase 1 games and some may be ready to try Phase 2 with adult support. To find resources by phase press the plus button next to 'Resources' in the menu. There is also a great post in the Parents section with lots of practical phonics ideas for pre-school children. BBC Bitesize have launched a range of 'lessons' to use at home. There isn't currently a section for the Early Years Foundation Stage but the Northern Ireland Foundation Stage section has some really lovely age-appropriate activities for children in nursery and reception. There are also a lot of resources in the Support section for starting school, advice for parents, activities to try etc. Resources for helping children manage their emotions including how to support them with anxiety, low mood and worries. Great Ormond Street Hospital have shared lots of ideas that they use with children in their care as part of their play therapy program. They also have links to resources that help to explain coronavirus to young children. Forestry England have activity sheets with creative ideas using outdoor materials, all linked to Julia Donsaldson books. Did you know you can borrow audiobooks and e-books for free from Rugby library via their website? You need a library card but can sign up online if you don't have one. Lots of brilliant ideas for hands-on home learning experiences This page is a bit wordy but it explains the value of play and how play can be used to support children's emotional well-being at this time so it is worth a read if you are unsure. Of course you can always email us with any questions as well. A website that has lots of Yoga, mindfulness and meditation videos Lots of lovely learning at home ideas from a mum who is also an Early Years teacher. Maths and Phonics games, many of which are tablet friendly BBC Schools radio, a great alternative if you are worried about screen time, the Listen and Play section is particularly good.