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All Homework is handed out and returned via Google Classroom -


Please speak to the teacher if you are having trouble accessing it.


How to use Google Classroom


To be able to access Google Classroom, you will need to accept the invite which has been sent to your child’s school email account.

  • Go to
  • You will see this screen and need to select ‘Brownsover Community School’ from the dropdown bar
  • You will then be asked to type in your child’s username and password. Usernames are their initial, full stop, surname. There are some accounts which also require a number after the surname.
  • The username and password have been emailed to you.
  • Open the email and you will see and invitation for Google Classroom. Accept the invite.
  • Go to (Your child’s login details for Google Classroom are the same as the ones you used to access their email account).
  • Click on ‘Go to Classroom’.
  •  Log in with your child’s account and type in their password for this account.



How to get and hand in work (computers and laptops)

  1. Go to Google Classroom
  2. Click ‘Classwork’
  3. Click on an assignment, then ‘View assignment’
  4. On the right-hand side of the page, click ‘Add or create’. Depending on the type of work the teacher has set:
  5. You can take photos of your child’s completed work, upload them to your computer and then upload the photos in Google Classroom – click ‘File’, then ‘Select files from your device’, then ‘Upload’
  6. Or, your child can type up their answers in a Google Doc – click ‘Docs’ to load a new Google Doc
  7. Once your child has finished their work, click ‘Hand in’, then ‘Hand in’ again to confirm
  8. If you have made a mistake, you can click ‘Unsubmit’ to return the work to you, then follow the previous steps to resubmit work


How to hand in work (mobile devices – Android or iOS)

  1. Open the Google Classroom app (available from App Store or Play Store)
  2. Tap on your child’s class, then ‘Classwork’ (at the bottom)
  3. Tap on an assignment, then the arrow at the bottom
  4. Tap ‘Add attachment’. Depending on the type of work the teacher has set:


  • You can take photos of your child’s completed work, upload them to your computer and then upload the photos in Google Classroom – click ‘File’, then tap the file on your device
  • Or, your child can type up their answers in a Google Doc – tap ‘New Doc’ to load a new Google doc
  • Once your child has finished their work, tap ‘Hand in’, then ‘Hand in’ again to confirm
  • If you have made a mistake, you can click ‘Unsubmit’ to return the work to you, then follow the previous steps to resubmit work.


Watch a video demonstration here:
A guide to safe use of Google Classroom is here:

12.1.21 - IMPORTANT - Home Learning Update


Hello Parents. 


Today will be the last day we are posting home learning on here. As our teaching videos get longer we are having problems uploading them on here and so some are now you tube links. You can access these by clicking on the links. Please ensure you have logged onto Google Classroom today and can access it as home learning will not be posted on here tomorrow but will be swapped over fully to Google Classroom. If you are still having problems logging in please email the class teachers.


Please note KEY WORKER CHILDREN in school will still need to access Google Classroom at home so please log in using the details sent to you. Your child will be completing the home learning in school however in the event of a bubble closure or self isolation you will need this access. 


Thank you!

We All Go Traveling By (US) | Barefoot Books Singalong

As Maths Superstars...

Still image for this video

As Topic Superstars...

Still image for this video

10.1.21 Update about Google Classroom

Our learning now will now be on our new learning platform 'Google Classroom'. If you have already signed up and can access it, please log on and start using this. If you are having any problems, we have added this weeks lessons on here so that learning can still be accessed. 


As readers...

Still image for this video

As mathematicians...

Still image for this video

Phonics guidance for parents

Still image for this video

Phonics guidance for parents

Still image for this video

As English superstars

11.01.21 - Phonics lesson

Still image for this video
A lesson all about High Frequency Words.
Real PE at home 
We are excited to announce that the PE course we teach in school, now has an 'at home' aspect that can be accessed at home. We will be including some of these activities on our daily plans. First, please watch the video below as a guidance for families. You can get your child's log in details by emailing Mrs Phillips & Mrs Gordon from Monday onwards.  

Guidance for Families

Phonics sound mat to help support writing...

Writing prompts...


Still image for this video
A video to explain and demonstrate all of our letter families. Please refer to this video for guidance, pause where needed and to refer back to when necessary.

Mindfulness Task

1 Mile Walk with Nadyia | Walk at Home

It is so wonderful to WALK with friends! Join Nadyia and her amazing team of walkers on this classic 1 Mile Walk!

FunnyBones - Dinosaurs

4th Epsoide Of Funny Bones a childrens TV series from 1992.See for more infomation© 1992 British Broadcasting Corpora...

1 Mile Walk with Nadyia | Walk at Home

It is so wonderful to WALK with friends! Join Nadyia and her amazing team of walkers on this classic 1 Mile Walk! and if you want an extra boost, stay tuned ...

Team Walk | Walk at Home

Harry Potter Cosmic Yoga

Maths activities

Still image for this video

As readers...

Still image for this video

Maths activity

Still image for this video

Number words to support maths activity

Walk At Home with Nick

Squirrel's New Year's Resolution - By Pat Miller

As Readers... The Littlest Elf

English task - The Elves and the Shoemaker

Christmas Special | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Australia Showcase - When Santa Got Stuck Up the Chimney

BookTrusts recommended reads for 4-7 year olds.

Activities to enjoy at Home!

Oxford Owl

Autumn 2 Homework

Walk 15 Classic Mile with Kamilah

Mike and Muttnik on The Moon | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Peace Out Guided Relaxation for Kids | 7. Flopometer

Funnybones - Give Us A Story!

​​​​​​Being Healthy Web Quest –


Watch these videos about healthy eating, staying safe and how to wash your hands. 

Then create a poster to help others.

Frozen | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Peace Out Guided Relaxation for Kids | 5. Moon and Stars

1.0 Mile Happy Walk | Walk at Home | Walking Workout

Isolation Home Learning Tasks

English Owl Babies

Walk a Mile Super Stars!

Peace Out Guided Relaxation for Kids | 4. Starfish

Pedro the Penguin Goes to the Fun Fair | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Please send the harvest homework photo to one of our email addresses below.


Thank you!

Autumn 1 Homework

Week Beginning 13.07.2020- Humanities Week. Access the slides and pdf documents below for all of the humanities challenges for this week. Have fun!

Last week of term! English Day 1- We would like you to use your descriptive writing skills to describe the picture of the day on Pobble 365. Use the adjective word mat below for ideas.

Day 1 Phonics

Day 1 Maths

Day 2 English- Follow the link below to play the Small Town Superheroes 'Prefix and Suffix' game. Then access Pobble 365 one last time to practise your super writing skills. Can you add as many prefixes and suffixes as you can into your writing? Count how many you managed to use.

Day 2 Phonics

Day 2 Maths

Day 3 English- Complete the 'All About Me' sheet below and bring it back to school in September to share with your new teacher.

Day 3 Phonics

Day 3 Maths

Day 4 English- Complete the challenge below, it's trickier than you might think!

Day 4 Phonics

Day 4 Maths

Day 5 English- Let’s end on a positive!

Day 5 Phonics

Day 5 Maths

As Computer Users... This week Mrs Halliwell has set you a challenge for each day of the week that will improve your computing skills. How many will you complete?

Phonics WB 6.7.20 - Education City.

For English this week we would like you to practice your Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar skills with a series of questions each day. Use all of the knowledge you have learnt so far in School and whilst being at home to complete the questions to the best of your ability. If you are finding some of the questions tricky you might like to research how to work them out or just move onto the next question.

English Day 1

Maths Day 1 - Division. Read through the PowerPoint below to remind yourselves about Division and then complete the worksheet. You might remember Division better as 'Sharing Equally' or just 'Sharing'.

English Day 2

Maths Day 2 - Go through the PowerPoint below to consolidate your learning from yesterday and then complete the worksheet.

English Day 3

Maths Day 3 - Making Equal Groups by Sharing

English Day 4

Maths Day 4 - Making Equal Groups Part 2

English Day 5

Maths Day 5 - Can you apply your new learning skills about Division to answer these tricky word problems?

Blue Bubble having been using their speaking and listening skills to explain their favourite part of a Julia Donaldson book to their friends.

Blue Bubble's fantastic Artwork inspired by the Australian Artist Ken Done!

Mrs Westerby has set you all an exciting Art challenge this week that is related to our class continent Australia! We can't wait to see some of the finished pieces!

Phonics challenge for WB 29.6.20

English Day 1

Maths Day 1- Read through the PowerPoint's before completing today's challenges.

Day 2 English

Day 2 maths- Read through the PowerPoint before completing today's challenge.

Day 3 English

Day 3 maths- Read through the PowerPoint before completing the challenge.

Day 4 English

Day 4 maths- Choose your own level of challenge today: Tricky, Trickier or Trickiest!

Day 5 English

Day 5 maths- challenge yourself to complete as many multiplication word problems as you can in 30 minutes.

Blue Bubble have also completed the #247 Challenge for National Writing Day! They found it quite challenging to write a story in 24 words but they persevered and they turned out fantastic!

If you are entering the 247 writing challenge today have a look at Yellow Bubble's entries that they did in school with Mrs Halliwell and Mrs Werner yesterday. It was super tricky to only write 24 words!

Thomas has been learning French at home!

Still image for this video

Yellow Bubble have had a great week doing their Science tasks. On Monday they went on an insect hunt and then on Tuesday they used our new chromebooks to research the different insects.

Blue Bubble had so much fun going on a Minibeast hunt this afternoon! They found lots of different types of bugs and insects and then used the computers to research their favourite one using the safe search engine 'Kiddle'.

Science Challenge!


This week for topic Mrs Mahloudji has set you a super Science challenge and it's all about Minibeasts!


There are 5 photos and 2 videos below which will give you lots of activities to try each day. There are also lots of questions for you to think about too. Remember to send us some pictures of your bug hunts and the other fun activities you are doing.

Video for Monday - What is an insect?

Follow National Insect week on Facebook Follow National Insect Week on Twitter

Video for Tuesday - How A Caterpillar Becomes A Butterfly | The Dodo

Remember to look at the day of the week at the top of each photo so that you complete all 5 across 1 week.

Blue Bubble enjoyed writing a descriptive paragraph about the Ice picture this morning. They challenged themselves to use adjectives and adverbs to make their writing more exciting!

English Day 1

Maths Day 1- Go through the PowerPoint, choose Level 1 or 2 'find the kit' and then test your knowledge with a quiz at the end.

Still image for this video

Phonics Day 1

Please find all phonics activities for this week in the pdf below.

English Day 2

As Mathematicians, Blue Bubble learnt more about position and direction. They were able to accurately describe where all of the objects were using directional language and could even navigate each other around the playground avoiding obstacles!

Maths Day 2- Recap positional language with the PowerPoint then choose level 1 or 2 'planning routes' and finish with a create your own treasure hunt.

Phonics Day 2

Today is National Writing Day and to celebrate First Story Organisation are challenging everyone to write a story, poem, play etc in 24 words. You have 7 minutes to write it but you have time to plan first. You can submit your entry by following the instructions below. You must start your piece of writing with One day... Good Luck everyone! 

English Day 3 #247 Challenge

Mark Haddon, the award-winning author of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and The Porpoise, gives some advice on the #247Challenge. Get invo...

Here are some examples of the #247 writing challenge that other children have done.

#247 Challenge. This is your writing paper to enter the competition. Follow the instructions on the bottom of the page.

Maths Day 3

Phonics Day 3

English Day 4

Maths Day 4

Phonics Day 4

English Day 5

Maths Day 5

Phonics Day 5

Abigail has used her super research skills to find information about Robin Hood. Her sister then helped her with the illustrations, great job girls!

The children in school have also been accessing the learning put up on the website. Today we carried out the investigation Mrs Phillips put up on our class page.

Monday and Tuesday Blue Bubble's super writing skills! They have definitely been practicing at home!

Hand washing experiment - at the moment, your grown ups will be asking you to wash your hands with soap and water more than usual, especially if you sneeze or cough. That’s because we want to stop the spread of germs, to keep us all healthy and safe. The tricky thing is, we can’t see the germs. Watch this video (link below) to help you to understand what’s happening when you wash your hands.  You can set up this experiment and give it a go at home if you like! 

Hand washing experiment

Learn how important it is to wash your hands using soap.

Week Beginning Monday 15th June 2020

PE Challenge

Good morning! This week we would love for you all to take part in a whole school challenge that we are participating in run by ThinkActive. This challenge can be completed throughout the week; all that we ask is that you submit your final score (using the score sheet found below) before 1pm on Friday 19th June to We welcome all Reception children to join in with the challenge too, their results will be classed as KS1. There will be prizes for the best score and the school can also win a prize for most entries submitted! So have fun, learn a new skill and use your value of perseverance!  

Week Beginning 15th June 2020

Good morning Year 1! This week we would like you to complete English, Maths, Phonics and our whole school PE challenge. Whether you are learning from home or at school we hope you enjoy all of the challenges set and look forward to seeing any work you wish to share with us. Happy learning!


For English this week we would like you to practice your super writing skills again. We all love Wonder Work at school and therefore we'd like you to access Pobble365 again to write some sentences or a paragraph about each picture. What can you see, hear, smell, taste, touch? Did something happen before or after the picture? Why did this happen?

Challenge yourselves to meet all of the Learning Intentions below.

I can seperate words using finger spaces.

I can use a capital letter, full stop, exclamation mark or question mark.

I can use adjectives to describe settings and characters.

I can use the suffixes 's', 'ed' and 'ing'.

Our Monday and Tuesday yellow bubble had a fantastic two days in school. They did the school PE challenge, Wonder Work, Maths and much more!

English Day 1

Watch this video to help you in your teaching of split digraphs.

Learn all you need to know about the 'split digraph', sometimes known as 'the magic e'. Find out more about digraphs: 🚨 SUBSCRIB...

Phonics Day 1

Maths- Learning about halves

Titch and Ted learn about halves | Maths - Titch and Ted do Maths

Titch and Ted learn about quarters | Maths - Titch and Ted do Maths

Suitable for teaching 5-7s. Titch teaches Ted about halves and quarters whilst sharing sandwiches and cleaning windows as they work in Mr Pie's garden. Subsc...

Maths Day 1

English Day 2

Phonics Day 2

Maths Day 2- Look through the PowerPoint below before completing today's challenge.

English Day 3

Phonics Day 3

Maths Day 3

English Day 4

Phonics Day 4

Maths Day 4

English Day 5

Phonics Day 5

Maths Day 5

For English this week we would like you to practice your super writing skills to describe the pictures. Just like what we do for Wonder Work, write some sentences or a paragraph about each picture. What can you see, hear, smell, taste, touch? Did something happen before or after the picture? Why did this happen?

Challenge yourselves to meet all of the Learning Intentions below.

I can use a capital letter.

I can use a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark.

I can use adjectives to describe settings and characters.

English Day 1

Phonics Day 1 - ew sound. Practice segmenting and blending all of the words, cut out the dominoes and match the image to the correct word, play a mixed-up race and a reading race. All of the pdf versions for each are below.

Maths Day 1 - Read through the PowerPoint to familiarise yourselves with 3D shapes. Choose a tricky, trickier or trickiest worksheet from Build a Shape and then complete the Sorting 3D Shapes activities.

English Day 2

Phonics Day 2 - oe sound. Practice segmenting and blending all of the words. Lilly Pad Leap - Cross the pond by only stepping on the words containing oe. Cut them out and find the correct path.

Maths Day 2 -Using your knowledge from yesterday's lesson, practice naming and recognising the different 3D shapes.

English Day 3

Phonics Day 3 - au sound. Segment and blend the real and alien words. Play a game of Snakes and Ladders or Alien Dabbers.

Maths Day 3 - Today can you talk about the properties of each 3D shape. Go through the display posters below to help you. Remember to use our key words such as faces, edges, vertices, curved and flat.

English Day 4

Phonics Day 4 - ey sound. Car Park Phonics - can you park your car on the real words? Can you guess which 'ey' word the riddle is about? Can you highlight all of the 'ey' words in the postcard?

Maths Day 4 - Start by testing the knowledge you have learnt so far with the 'What Am I?' PowerPoint Quiz below. Then complete the worksheets about patterns of 3D shapes. There is also a fun game of I spy to play after.

English Day 5

Phonics Day 5 - consolidation of ew, oe, au and ey sounds. Can you fill in the missing sounds? Look at the pictures and spot the odd one out (the sound is at the side). Segment and blend the words and test your knowledge with a test at the end.

Maths Day 5 - First go through the PowerPoint below for some examples of everyday 3D shapes. Then go on a scavenger hunt, either inside or outside and see how many 2D and 3D shapes you can spot. There is also a Colour by Number Challenge for afterwards. Choose Tricky, Trickier or Trickiest from the pdf files below.

Abigail has been having so much fun creating her own marvellous mixtures in her very own Potions Lab. It looks very exciting, can you all make your own potion at home? What ingredients will you use?

Coming to school in a bubble

An audio recording of a short book to help 3-7 year old children back to school in their new covid-safe environments. Download the book here

Good morning year 1! We hope you have enjoyed the half term in the sunshine with your family! The home learning for the rest of the week can be found below. Happy learning!

Australia continent challenge- use your research skills to complete the fact file about our class continent.

Day 1 SPag mat

Day 1 Phonics challenge

Day 1 maths challenge- read the PowerPoint below before completing the challenge.

Day 1 Topic challenge- read the PowerPoint below to find out about Sir Robert Falcon Scott. Write a sentence underneath each picture explaining what happened to this famous explorer during his expedition. Use the word mat for support.

Day 2 SPaG mat

Day 2 Phonics Challenge

Day 2 maths challenge- read the PowerPoint below before completing the challenges.

Day 2 Topic challenge- consolidate your learning on Sir Robert Falcon Scott by completing the task below.

Day 3 SPaG mat

Day 3 Phonics challenge

Day 3 maths challenge- read the PowerPoint below before completing the challenges.

Day 3 Topic challenge

Day 4 SPaG mat

Day 4 Phonics challenge- play a game of bingo with your family!

Day 4 maths challenge

Day 4 Topic challenge- read the fact file before completing the significant person task.

Day 5 SPaG mat

Day 5 Phonics challenge- play the yes and no question game using the PowerPoint below.

Day 5 maths challenge- use the money skills you have been practising all week to play a game of mathopoly with your family!

Day 5 Topic challenge

WB 18.5.20 Please scroll down to find all of the home learning activities for this week.

Villainous Verses Differentiated questions and differentiated Write your own poem prompt sheets

Australia's Continent Challenge WB 18.5.20. Read through the PowerPoint below and find out as many facts as you can about Australian Animals. Can you use the information you found out to create a fact-file?

Maths Challenge Day 1

Phonics Day 1

Topic Day 1- this week will be based on the Artist William Morris. Read through the PowerPoint and fact sheet to find out more about his work. Then you can practice colouring in one of his designs.

Maths Challenge Day 2

Phonics Day 2

Topic Day 2- Can you have a go at copying the designs? Think about the different lines of thickness.

Maths Challenge Day 3

Phonics Day 3

Topic Day 3- Today have a go at colour mixing. Use the PowerPoints below to help you.

Maths Challenge Day 4

Phonics Day 4

Topic Day 4- As an Artist have a go at printing your own pattern. Use your colour mixing knowledge from yesterday and be creative. The PowerPoint below will help you with different types of printing.

Maths Challenge Day 5

Phonics Day 5

Topic Day 5- Can you finish the design? Use all of your page and sketch what you think the whole print would look like.

Louie found some interesting webs on his walk, do you think you might know what they are?

Aoife has been practicing her baking skills at home! Those flapjacks look yummy!

Morgan has been having lots of fun going on bike rides, looking after poorly insects and playing board games with his big sister.

11.5.20 Welcome to this week's home learning! Please keep scrolling and all of this weeks activities are below.

As an artist, go on a colour hunt around your home!

As an artist ...

As a writer ...

As a reader ...

Day 1 Phonics Challenge

Day 1 Maths Challenge

Day 1 Topic Challenge - read the story of Christopher Columbus, using the PowerPoint below. Can you write down 5 new facts that you learn?

Day 2 Phonics Challenge

Day 2 Maths challenge

Day 2 topic challenge - can you put the events of Christoper Columbus' life in the right order? Don't forget to use the PowerPoint from yesterday to help you.

Day 3 Phonics challenge

Day 3 Maths challenge

Day 3 Topic Challenge - can you write a message in the bottle, as if you were one of the sailor's on board Christopher Columbus' ship? What was life like on board? How might you have been feeling?

Day 4 Phonics challenge

Day 4 Maths challenge

Day 4 Topic challenge - use the PowerPoint below to label the continents of the world

Day 5 Phonics challenge

Day 5 Maths challenge - pop your Mathematician's hat on and use your skills from this week to solve these addition word problems Challenge yourself to write some of your own for members of your household to do!

Day 5 Topic challenge - use the PowerPoint below to label the oceans around the world.

This week’s continent challenge!

Isla has been learning about plants on Education City and found some bluebells on her bike ride.

Sam and George have made landing crafts and soldiers out of Lego in celebration of VE Day!

Ellie has been on a nature walk and tried to find something natural in each colour. Ellie found every colour but orange and she would like to challenge Australia class to go on a walk and find something natural on their walk that is orange!

Network Hand

Charlie is being a Super Learner at home. He is very busy being creative and doing the activities set on Education City. Well done Charlie!

Sofia has some very exciting news. She has adopted an abandoned duckling and has called it Chickaletta! She is looking after it until it is healthy enough to join bigger ducks on a farm!

Aoife has been having lots of fun trying out Maddie's experiments! Looks great Aoife!

WB 4.5.20 Good morning year 1! All of the daily challenges are already up for this week so please keep scrolling and you will find them with separate headings for each day!

Reading Challenge

Day 1 Maths challenge

Day 1 Topic challenge- Read the PowerPoint below and then complete the challenge.

Day 1 Phonics challenge