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  • 01/04/2020 Letter From the Head

    Thu 02 Apr 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    I hope that you are all safe and well and that everything is going as well as it can during these challenging times. It has been lovely to hear about some of the fantastic learning that has been going on at home. Please do continue to send your achievements to your class teachers so that they can share it with the class!


    The teachers have been working hard to share ideas, websites and challenges on our school website pages. We hope that you’ve been finding these useful? We will be taking a short break from this over the Easter break, as staff will be continuing to work hard in school to provide emergency care for our key worker and vulnerable children. However, please be sure to check it regularly for updates and new ideas from Monday 20th April, when the learning challenges will continue.


    In addition to emergency care, staff are also working hard to write the children’s reports, as well as planning and preparation for when school re-opens. We do not yet know when this will be, but look forward to when we can open our school doors again and continue our super learning journey.


    During our last week here in school, I made a promise to year 2 that at whatever point we re-open, we would still organise some of their leaver events – the parents’ afternoon tea and leavers disco. We will organise dates for these as soon as we are able.


    Please do share with the children that we miss them, think about them often and can’t wait to see them all again as soon as we can.


    Stay safe!


    Elisa Basnett


