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History Intent

At Brownsover Community School our intent is to cultivate a deep understanding and appreciation of the past, enabling our pupils to develop a sense of chronology and an understanding of historical events, people, and periods. The curriculum is designed to inspire pupils' curiosity about the world around them and to develop their understanding of how the past has influenced the present.


History Implementation

The history curriculum our school is underpinned by a carefully sequenced and ambitious program of study that ensures progression from the EYFS and Key Stage 1. We do this through:

1.Engagement and exploration: Our lessons are designed to captivate pupils' interest, with a variety of immersive and stimulating resources used to bring history to life. Pupils are encouraged to explore historical artefacts, stories, and accounts, fostering a love for the subject. The use of role play areas within our continuous provision allow for this, such as a Victorian classroom and a toy museum.

2.Cross-Curricular Links: Our History curriculum is integrated into cross-curricular activities, linking with literacy, art, and geography to provide a holistic understanding of the historical context. For example in the EYFS, we will read age appropriate books to understand the context of the passing of time. In year 1 when we learn about the Wright brothers, we bring in our local history links of Frank Whittle and in year 2 we might create a newspaper report to document the events of the Great Fire of London. We use these as a vehicle to develop pupils' language and communication skills, as well as their creative and critical thinking.

3. Cultural Diversity: Our curriculum is inclusive and showcases the diversity of human experience, providing the opportunity for our children to learn about different cultures and societies.

4. Assessment: Teachers regularly monitor pupils’ progress through observations, discussions and work to gauge children’s understanding. These then identify areas for support and extension as well an informing future planning.


History Impact

The impact of our History teaching is evident in our pupils’ passion and fascination for history, an example of such is when I completed a ‘book look’ with the children and they were keen to show their learning about pirates. Our children show curiosity about the past and a willingness to ask questions. They are beginning to develop an understanding of the impact of historical events on the present, as seen in our Christopher Columbus learning about trade. Pupils can articulate connections and contrasts between different periods of history as seen in year 1’s topic about historical and modern explorers. Pupil's progress is evident through their ability to think critically, the consideration of evidence, and explain history specific vocabulary. The impact of this will create a strong foundation for further historical study in their educational journey.
