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Art & Design

Art and Design - INTENT

We believe that Art should be inclusive and enjoyable. It encourages creativity, curiosity and well-being in all. By introducing our children to work by a range of artists, we hope to develop their inquisitiveness and appreciation of different art forms. Through the development of skills in drawing, painting, printing, modelling, designing, 3D techniques and digital art, we want our children to be able to express themselves confidently in a range of mediums.



Art and Design is planned for and covered fully within our EYFS and KS1 curriculum. It is delivered through a thematic approach and learning is often blocked in KS1.


During their learning journey at Brownsover Community School, every child is given the opportunity to learn the skills of drawing, painting, printing, sculpture and digital art. This learning is enhanced through the exploration of key artists and craft makers.


In our EYFS, children are introduced to a variety of media and materials through adult directed and child-initiated activities. Children are given the opportunity to revisit and consolidate their skills though our continuous provision. They are exposed to a broad and rich vocabulary which encourages them to express their opinions and ask questions about a variety of art works of different forms.


In KS1, Art and design is taught as part of termly cross curricular topic work. Pupils are taught specific skills and techniques including; painting, printmaking, collage, 3D techniques and digital art. Children record their experiences in sketchbooks and produce creative pieces using a variety of media. Skills are built upon those introduced in our EYFS and allow children to become more confident in their creative expression. They are introduced to the work of artists, illustrators and designers and are encouraged to use their developing art and design vocabulary to discuss what they can see.


Art and Design - IMPACT

We recognise the benefits of Art and Design for personal well-being, self-confidence and the impact that this can have on children’s learning in all other areas of the curriculum. Art and Design is clearly enjoyed by children at Brownsover and is celebrated through high quality displays in and around our school.


We want our children to develop a love of art, craft and design. We want them to realise that there are no limits to their ambitions, that they can grow up to be artists, designers, crafts people, fashion designers, digital artists, print makers and that this list of opportunities is endless. Our Art and Design curriculum is designed to engage, challenge and inspire, whilst giving children the knowledge, skills and confidence required to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. It is reflective of different cultures and takes inspiration from our local area. We want our children to recognise and appreciate all forms of art in the world around them and the way that it can enhance all of our lives.
