16th March 2020
Dear Parent/Carer,
As the situation around COVID-19 escalates nationally, we are preparing for the local situation to change and for more confirmed cases to be diagnosed. We are being guided by the experts at Public Health England who have established stringent criteria for if and when a school should close and for how long.
Head Teachers from schools across Rugby have met and have agreed, that until we are advised otherwise, we will maintain business as usual and keep disruption to our children's learning to a minimum. However, the health and safety of the children, staff and wider community has to be our priority and we have to play our part in preventing the spread of the virus.
In light of yesterday’s government announcement that the UK is moving from the ‘Containment’ to the ‘Delay’ stage of its pandemic contingency plan, Brownsover Community School will remain open as normal and will continue to provide morning and after school clubs and our usual extra-curricular activities.
However, following government guidance to minimise social interactions as far as possible and to restrict the possibility of the spread of the virus, schools in Rugby will be limiting interactions with the wider community by cancelling:
• Parent Consultation Meetings (WB 23rd March) These will be re-scheduled after Easter – see below
• Parent Assemblies (Super Learner)
• Healthy Lifestyles Day (20th March)
• Educational Trips (Year 2 – Warwick Castle) We hope to re-arrange this for the summer term
• Swimming (Year 2 – Thursday afternoons)
• FABs/Social Events (Coffee am, Cake sale, Easter Egg Hunt)
• Easter church Service @ Christchurch (2nd April)
• Staff Training offsite
• Inter-school sports events/competitions
• PlayTots (Thursday am)
To support the school in this ‘social-distancing’ policy we would ask parents to limit physical communications with school, and where possible, use email or the telephone to contact us. We would also ask that parents/carers of children in Bridges drop children off & collect at the Bridges classroom door, rather than entering the building. They will be signed in and out by staff.
These measures will take effect from Monday 16th March. All events will be rearranged as soon as the situation improves.
We will continue to update you regularly as the situation progresses. We would also recommend you continue to look at the following sources of information to keep yourself informed of all the latest information and advice:
• The Department for Education has established a helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows: Phone: 0800 046 8687 Email: DfE.coronavirushelpline@education.gov.uk Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
• Detailed information and advice for the public and returning travellers can be found on the NHS.uk website (and will be regularly updated): nhs.uk/coronavirus
• Further information for the public about the situation can be found here (and will be regularly updated): gov.uk/guidance/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-information-for-the-public.
If you are worried about symptoms or need specific advice please visit 111.nhs.uk or call NHS 111. Do not go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs E Basnett, Head Teacher